by Nvizhen Studios

Youth, Peace, Love, Unity 

A World Without Youth Is Old 

A World Without Peace Is Chaos 

A World Without Love Is Evil 

A World Without Unity Is Broken 

That World Is Our Reality 

Future Implications That Keep Us All Up At Night 

When We Close Our Eyes We Enter A New Version Of Reality

This Is The Story Of Our Electric Dream 

To Dream Of The Future Was Our Only Escape 

In This Electric Dream, Colors Turned Into Words, Words Turned Into Images, And Images Turned Into Music 

In This Electric Dream, Faces Weren’t Faces Either, Only Eyes That Gleamed Of The Souls Desire For Something More…. 

More Than What Was Presented In The Past, More Than What Is Presented In The Present, Even More Than What Will Be Presented In The Future 

Well How Could It Be More Than What Will Be Presented In The Future?

Because The Future Isn’t Really The Future 

The Future Is What You Create It To Be 

And We Say The Future Is Now!